
Colectivo Lamajara

LabraT. Photo:Elen_b

The proposal for this session is to provide practical resources for the introduction of dance at school through games. The chosen resources are born from the creative process of the Labranza show by Colectivo Lamajara and are part of the choreographic materials used by its creators for the implementation of said project in the classroom..
The idea for this occasion is to experience from movement how these materials can serve as a motor for bodies to dialogue from a spontaneous dance..
The context that supports the practice is the observation of nature and rurality to develop metaphors that help understand the cycle of life and those tasks in the field involved in cultivation..

facilitator: Daniel Rosado Avila
Dance as an option. A place to stand and from there speak. Yes, speak… because dance as well as movement, it is conceived as a thought and choosing it is a decision that concerns an attitude and, as a consequence, a positioning. And it is political because it has repercussions on conventional orders and calls them into question since
offers other ways of thinking about life, to relate, to belong. And it's activism, because if not what is it?… It is done daily, from love, taking responsibility with plural ethics, causing changes, reflecting on par with social realities, embracing them and allowing them. And it's not invisible, it's everyday, belongs to what happens, to now, to the gerund. It seems that it is not seen but it is there, latent, unstable, in constant motion. And it is art because art is transformative and in those we are.

Long time
Lamajara is an artistic structure that develops dance projects in unique formats. Directed by Daniel Rosado with the help of Paloma Hurtado, which share a place in constant dialogue seeking the coherence of their ideas and consensus towards a common methodology.
His work philosophy stems from the need to value the craftsmanship, the little things, simplicity, that which requires study time and practice for its execution. Everything that is transmitted as a consequence of the traditional and popular legacy that is usually found in the experience.
The lines of work are: The investigation of the language of the body in movement, a communicative body that develops from the game; the articulation of mediation projects within the cultural fabric, open to new ways of conceiving the scene; pedagogical and methodological development regarding the use of the body, conceived as a means for
dialogue and interaction with the world.


Daniel Rosado. Photo: Flower Market