If you want to Lova
If you want to do with your class Lova, We advice: do not do it. That is to say, do not do it without having thought very carefully, do not do it without ever having prepared conscientiously for it, do not do it without having consulted with colleagues and do not do without the support of the management of your center and other / os teachers who accompany you during the entire course.
Lova connected with the project methodology: It is a complex project involving many interconnected sub occupying the entire course. Lova is emotional education, It is education skills, It is cognitive development, arts education is integrated into the curriculum, Education is empowering and much more. That's why we like to recommend all caution when undertaking this project

management teams
If you are a manager or director of a center, think well before pressing a / a teacher to do this project. We do not recommend doing so because it is not a good idea to expect that teachers involved in such long-term project without the intervention of a real personal interest and professional conviction weighed well.
Lova is not a great project, funny, entertaining or showy. Lova is a complex project that requires previous training, mature teacher, emotional maturity, effort, commitment and a high dose of resilience and tolerance to frustration. In Lova are not the children who need change, but teachers, centers and educational communities.
Lova requires rethinking how we approach the course. Different core competencies and different content will be worked thoroughly, but otherwise. Your goal is still learning, but the sequencing, organization, presentation and evaluation of it will be changed significantly.
Think wisely. some teachers, by “guilt” Lova, sleep poorly at certain times of the course, They feel tired and anxiety, live moments of tension with their management teams, with companions / os, with families of their students or their own families. Also they feel the frustration of not finding in their students the expected response and pressure of being watched by the educational community. Lova generates more expectations, for example, give each subject following topics textbook. Be prepared to explain things and be judged / or generate those expectations. Be prepared to find many people who will understand only when they have passed one, two or three years. There are always going to respect your work as much as you respect the other people.
Not a pretty sight
Forget impact families or other colleagues from your center with a dazzling end of year. Forget completely the result. Forget the singers selected to sing better or to councilors to better exercise leadership. Forget intervene and solve you children what they need to solve for themselves, either a solder tin, a list of costumes, a fund of money or a dance scene. Do not deprive your class the right to make mistakes and learn from them. Your students deserve the opportunity to show what you can do without help from adults. During the functions you'll be seated / or between the public. Not prepared to intervene and commit to the end.
Pay attention to the emotional development of your students, pay attention to their personal growth. Do not bring emotions to the classroom as a complementary something. Conversely, all activity becomes the classroom in an emotional core staff complement and collective, from the first to the last day of class.
Lova you need to have a stable class 15-30 and students will need five to nine weekly sessions in various areas and also, in the second term, several spaces. You do not create a company by joining two or more classes. Lova is a project for the development of group identity. With more students / os, the company ceases to be a community that shares shares, yearnings, learning and concerns and becomes a union of two or more communities. The company needs to match every day of the course, from September to June, throughout the school day. Lova not apply to the logic of extracurricular activities, because one of the pillars of the project is that the group takes a big challenge, It has the time to get over it and it will not stop trying until the end.
Delegation, trust
From the first steps, your main task is to place trust and gradually delegate responsibilities to each and every one of the children in your class. The process should last the full course and that entails the advantage of time, but the difficulty of knowing that much of that time will be dedicated to resolving conflicts and overcome challenges not overcome the first try, or the second or the third.
Be patient and keep between the first day to the last. Leave space in which your students / os can show capabilities and performance you never would have otherwise detected. Be picky, but not to do what you say, but what they / you are committed to making.
Lova and enjoy your class please give them an experience they deserve to live, but never without feeling properly trained / or not without first weighing these tips.