II Company Fair


15 march 2024

In every corner of the Royal Theater of Retiro, Cardboard boxes still folded were waiting for the moment to be transformed by the imagination of almost three hundred girls and boys from all over Spain.. Some became theaters, on lucky wheels. Others stacked on top of each other formed a giant tower. And so it was like from almost nothing, the 34 stands at the II LÓVA Fair. Each one reflecting with great sensitivity the small universe generated by their company since the course began.. Walking through the Hall, You could hear the students talking about their opera with enthusiasm and commitment.

The technical team of the Real Teatro de Retiro participated in this new edition, revealing the secrets of its departments and the work behind the magic of the theater. This is how the children learned to make costumes from simple materials, to build wigs, imitate bruises and wounds, and to reproduce a storm with the machinery equipment, rulership, lighting and audiovisual engineering.

The morning was colored by other small inventive events: The students found similarities and differences between them while participating in Bingo Conecta which allowed a company to gain spotlights. They used their creativity as a communication tool by making badges, creating posters with collage technique or going to the press station.

To close the Fair, faculty, student and theater team launched a challenge: form a snake throughout the space and have a clap pass from the beginning to the end of the row. This last image summarizes with great emotion everything that is LÓVA: the project of a united company, and beyond the classroom, a big family.