dancing with the dragon

Elisabet Biosca and Ángel Perabá
National Dance and Cross Border Project Company

Photo: Dawn Muriel

“Dancing with the Dragon” is a movement and word workshop that uses performing arts as a methodology in the classroom to work on the dragon that we all carry inside and the concept of possession in relationships in adolescence. It is inspired by “Carmen, the story" co-published by Editorial Cuento de Luz and INAEM, the second publication of the National Dance Company through CND Educa, your pedagogical department, around the choreography Carmen by Johan Inger and which is part of the CND repertoire, having won the Benois de la Danse prize in 2016. A dancer from the National Dance Company and an art educator from Cross Border enter the IES classrooms with three basic tools: Dance, theater, and the spoken word.

More information about educational project of the National Dance Company

National Dance Company

The National Dance Company, artistic unit of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music, It was founded in 1979 with the name of National Classical Ballet (Classic National Ballet) and had Víctor Ullate as its first director. In February 1983 took charge of the direction of the María de Ávila Spanish and Classical National Ballets, who placed special emphasis on opening the doors to choreographies such as those of George Balanchine and Antony Tudor. further, María de Ávila commissioned choreographies from Ray Barra, North American dancer and choreographer living in Spain, subsequently offering him the position of stable director that he held until December 1990. In December 1987 She was appointed artistic director of the Ballet, Maya Plisétskaya, extraordinary Russian dancer. In June 1990, Nacho Duato is appointed artistic director of the National Dance Company, position he held for twenty years, until July 2010. His incorporation represented an innovative change in the history of training, including new original choreographies in the company's repertoire, along with others of proven quality. In August 2010, Hervé Palito succeeds Duato as artistic director for one year. In September 2011, José Carlos Martínez joins as new director of the National Dance Company, at the head of which he remains eight years. The 28 march 2019 the INAEM, dependent on the Ministry of Culture and Sports, announces the appointment of Joaquín De Luz as the new artistic director of the group. As of September 2019, De Luz takes up his new position. The National Dance Company, currently carries out educational activities through CND Educa, with the aim of developing projects linked to society, bringing dance closer to boys and girls, To young, to older, to people with different abilities and those who are at risk of social exclusion. Offers accessible projects that bring CND and the art of dance closer to our community, showing how dance favors the integral development of the person in the different stages of life and in the most diverse situations, such as the #DANCINGCONELDRAGÓN workshop.

angel Perabá

He is an actor and art educator, Who dances. Trained at the Royal School of Dramatic Art of Madrid. Continually investigates new ways to compose on stage., thus, interested in Viewpoints and different improvisation techniques.

As an art educator, he participates in the pedagogical and community action activities of the Cross Border School through dance and applied theater.. It is part of the scenic creation projects with adolescents Fifth World Y Global Generation, artistically directing the latter. Participate in the project I count, theatrical laboratory with Neurology patients at the Niño Jesús Hospital. Be part of the art educators of the PLANEA network.

His latest works as an actor have been Casa (dir. Lucia Miranda, The Cross Border Project); Cluster (dir. Juan Ceacero, Ex-Limit company) or the Forum Theater piece The girl who dreamed (dir. Lucia Miranda, The Cross Border Project). dance in Atavistic (dir. Poliana Lima), first prize at the 28th Madrid Choreographic Contest.

Elisabet Biosca

Soloist dancer of the National Dance Company. Trained at the Barcelona Theater Institute. From 2005 It is part of the workshops given at the center and in 2008 joins the IT Dansa Jove Company of the Institut de Teatre.

After this stage in which he has the opportunity to be part of the creations of numerous and prestigious choreographers, in 2010 He joined the National Dance Company where he has been a soloist since 2016. In his career he has played prominent roles in works of Nacho Duato, Johan Inger, Jirí Kylián, William Forsythe, Matts Ek, Alejandro Cerrudo, Ivan Perez, among others; and has developed as a choreographer in SN Serial Number (2014) with Antonio de Rosa, Home (2016) together with Agnès López or Solitud (2017).

Her interest in the interrelationship and educational field of the arts leads her to train in acting and star in several short films., Paper Mache Mills (2013) The awakening (2014) by Tensin Márquez, Ixta b (2016) and What is Expected of Me (2019) by Maria Salgado, receiving the nomination for best leading actress at the Fuentes Film Festival. She also combines her role as a dancer with the Educational Project of the National Dance Company since 2013: collaborates with the LÓVA Project, giving workshops in learning, at the Ponce de León School in Madrid within the collaborative program between the Center and the Company and in institutes with the Dancing with the Dragon workshop.

Photo: Dawn Muriel

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