Understanding Strauss: Arabella
16 Jan 23 - 02 Feb 23

Imparted by Luis Gago
What did the figure of Strauss mean in the history of opera at the beginning of the 20th century? How important was his collaboration with the writer and librettist Hugo von Hofmmansthal? What place does Arabella have within the composer's work? Through five two-hour sessions, Professor Luis Gago will answer these and many other questions to get to know and understand the compositional universe of Richard Strauss.
About the course
Although almost always against the current, Richard Strauss's operas constitute the corpus of most important works within the genre during the first half of the 20th century. Several were written based on librettos by the Austrian writer Hugo von Hofmmansthal and, after offering an overview of Straussian operatic production, with special emphasis on Salome (alpha) and Capriccio (omega), the course will focus on three of the most relevant titles of this collaboration: Elektra, The Knight of the Rose, and of course, Arabella, their last joint work and premiered after Hofmannsthal's death in 1929. The extensive correspondence between composer and librettist will act as the main common thread in our analytical, auditory and visual journey through this unequaled succession of masterpieces.
When and where
16th, 23rd, 26th and 30th of January and 2nd of February, from 19:00pm to 21:00pm
Parallel activities room of Teatro Real
Practical information
Prices: 175€ general public / 150€ season ticket holders/ 140€ Amigos del Real; 125€ Young people up to 35 / 110€ Amigo Joven and Plus (*)
*Note: please take the summary receipt of your purchase with you when you go to the Teatro Real. You will obtain it once your purchase is complete or from your customer account.
At the end of the course, an accrediting diploma will be awarded.
Further information:
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