Ponemos el foco sobre la producción de La Nariz con algunos de sus protagonistas.
Dmitri Shostakóvich
The nose
13 Mar, 23 - 30 Mar, 23

Musical Conductor: Mark Wigglesworth | Stage Director: Barrie Kosky | Principal Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real
With a cast of 89 roles - spread among a no less gigantic of 33 singers – and a rhythmical action which is nearly cinematographic, The Nose is a huge challenge for any opera house because of its logistic complexities and an exhilarating “nightmare” for its Stage Director. Based on a story by Nikolai Gogol and premiered in Leningrad in 1930, the work was put out of circulation due to the attacks of the Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians. The opera was not seen on stage again until 1974, just a year before the composer’s death. The sarcasm - bordering on Theatre of the Absurd – of its libretto and the “ music without musical structure” score, influenced by the biomechanics of Meyerhold, sustain a spectacle which is as acid in content as it is wildly modern musically.
The debut in the Teatro Real of this cult opera arrives with the acclaimed and irreverent production of Australian Barrie Kosky - who staged the most recent Magic Flute at this theatre -, who has been a fan of this work since his student years. The staging communicates the grotesque mishaps of a grey and pompously bureaucrat who is the lead character.
Opera in three acts
Music by Dmitri Shostakóvich (1906-1975)
Libretto by Dmitri Shostakóvich, Yevgueni Zamiatin, Gueorgui Ionin and Aleksandr Preis, based on the homonymous by Nikolái Gógol
Premiere at the Maly Óperny Theater of Lenningrad, 18 January 1930
Premiere at the Teatro Real
New production of the Teatro Real, in collaboration with the Royal Opera House, Komische Oper Berlin and Opera Australia
Artistic team
Musical Conductor | Mark Wigglesworth
Stage Director | Barrie Kosky
Stage and Lighting Designer | Klaus Grünberg
Costume Designer | Buki Shiff
Choreographer | Otto Pichler
Dramaturg | Ulrich Lenz
Chorus Director | Andrés Máspero
Platón Kuzmitch Kavalyov | Martin Winkler
Iván Yákovlevich (barber) / Newspapper office manager / Doctor | Alexander Teliga
Praskovaia Osipovna (Iván Yákovlevich's wife) / Seller | Ania Jeruc
Police inspector / Enunch | Andrey Popov
The Nose / Yarishkin / Eunuch | Dmitry Ivanchey
Iván (Kovaliov's assistant) / Deputy Chief of Police / Gentleman / Student / Enunch | Vasily Efimov
The old countess | Agnes Zwierko
Podtóchina's daughter / Lady at the Cathedral / Travel Agent / Parasite | Iwona Sobotka
Pelageya Grigorievna Podtóchina / Parasite | Margarita Nekrasova
Employee / Watchman / Servant / Policeman / Gentleman / Acquaintance of Kovalyov | Simon Wilding
Footman/ Iván Ivánovich / Student | Milan Perišić
Pyotr Fyodorovich / Honourable Colonel / Student | David Alegret
Employee / Policeman / Gentleman / Son of the respectable lady / Acquaintance of Kovalyov | Gerard Farreras
Employee / Policeman / Speculator / Son of the respectable lady | Ihor Voievodin
Employee / Policeman / Gentleman / Student | Isaac Galán
Employee / Policeman | Luis López Navarro
Policeman / Gentleman / Dandy / Enunch / Acquaintance of Kovalyov | José Manuel Montero
Employee / Father / Dandy | David Sánchez
Employee / Student | Cristian Díaz
Policeman / Gentleman / Student | Juan Noval-Moro
Policeman / Gentleman / Student | Roger Padullés
Policeman / Old man / Student | Estudiante Josep Fadó
Son / Policeman / Newcomer | David Villegas
Son / Newcomer | Íñigo Martín
Employee | Néstor Pindado
Mother | Cristina Herreras
Taxi driver | Ígor Tsenkman
Driver | Claudio Malgesini
Solo tenor in the cathedral | Alexander González
Balalaika | James Ellis
Host | Anne Igartiburu
Principal Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real
Protective Friend
12 December
2022Supporter and Benefactor Friend
13 December
2022Patron friends
14 December
2022Subscribers friend
15 December
2022Tickets on sale
20 December
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Cultural activities
Actividades pedagógicas y conciertos
Celebrando a Shostakóvich. Ciclo de actividades en colaboración con la Escuela Municipal de Música y Danza María Dolores Pradera.
• Shostakóvich y el cine
• Shostakóvich y el jazz
• Shostakóvich y la danza
Coloquio sobre la relación entre música, ópera y poder
Encuentro | Marzo
Shostakovich y la censura soviética
Shostakovich y la censura soviética
Fundación Juan March
Ciclo de conciertos
15, 22 y 29 de marzo de 2023
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