Tribute to Pedro Sarmiento
26 Mar, 22

We dedicate this act to the memory of Pedro Sarmiento who said goodbye to us in March 2021. Pedro was a musician and his tireless work to promote the LÓVA project (The opera, a learning vehicle) in Spain. His educational vocation made him a great teacher whose influence endures over time through this legacy.
Among the traits of Pedro Sarmiento that made him an outstanding person, one of the most enviable was the way he related to children, for whom he undoubtedly had what is usually called magnetism. The secret of that relationship was found, it seems to me, that the children felt respected by him. Which means, to begin with, that the children knew that Pedro expected a lot from them. Isn't that the highest expression of respect for a person, to expect a lot from him - just as there is no greater expression of contempt for someone not to expect anything from him.
Juan Mayorga
Pedro Sarmiento en el corazón
Gregorio Marañón, Presidente del Teatro Real
Peter´s Jazz
Moanin’, Bobby Timmons. My song, Keith Jarrett. Billie’s Bounce, Charlie Parker
Mario Fierro, piano
Ismael Campanero, contrabajo
Andreas Prittwitz, flauta y saxo
Juan Mayorga, miembro del Consejo Asesor del Teatro Real
Las edades de LÓVA
Ana Torrijo, Ariadna Rodríguez, Dounia El Bachiri, Isabel Barquilla, Joel Valiente y Marta Téllez
Cajas para hacer ópera
El legado de Peter Hoyle y Pedro Sarmiento
Mary Ruth McGinn, Miguel Gil, Ángela Ranchal y Miguel Ranchal
Una canción para Pedro
Nacho Bilbao, guitarra y voz
Lo que nosotros hacemos no es importante
Laura Bañuelos, coordinadora de LÓVA
Preludio de la Suite nº 1 para Violonchelo
Johann Sebastian Bach
Andreas Prittwitz, saxo tenor
El recuerdo enamorado
Cuqui Moscoso
Ana y Laura Sarmiento
Laura Sarmiento, piano
Coro infantil del CEIP Portugal, voces. Juan Blázquez, dirección
- Date/hour
- Space
- Cast
- Subscription ticket
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