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Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali

Gaetano Donizetti

Viva la mamma

02 Jun, 21 - 13 Jun, 21

Musical conductor: Evelino Pidò, José Miguel Pérez Sierra | Stage director: Laurent Pelly | Titular Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real

Premiere at the Teatro Real

19 JAN. 21

Start selling day

02 Jun 21

Premiere Date

13 Jun 21

Last performance



An opera where the prima donna is a baritone? Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali is an excessively long and daunting title for an opera of such unrestrained delight. That is likely what German film director Helmut Käutner thought when he renamed it Viva la mamma in the famous 1969 adaptation for the rococo Cuvilliés theatre in Munich, changing the history of this work forever. First seen in Naples in 1827, this farce of a theatre within a theatre” narrates the mishaps of a second-rate opera company as it stages the great serious drama Romolo ed Ersilia in a provincial theatre. The unbearable tensions between the two lead singers are finally resolved with the decisive intervention of one of their mothers. The co-production by Ópera de Lyon shared with the Grand Theâtre de Genève and Teatro Real is brought to life by Laurent Pelly, a tireless champion of Donizettis comedies, as one recalls from his production of La fille du régiment which we enjoyed some seasons ago.

Dramma giocoso in two acts

Music by Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)

Libretto by Domenico Gilardoni, based on the works Le convenienze teatrali (1794) and Le inconvenienze teatrali (1800) by Antonio Simeone Sografi

Premiered at the Teatro Nuovo of Naples on the 21st of November, 1827, and in the composer's revised version at the Teatro alla Cannobiana of Milan on the 20th of April, 1831

Premiere at the Teatro Real

Production of the Teatro Real, in co-production with the Opéra National de Lyon and the Grand Théâtre de Genève

Titular Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real
(Coro Intermezzo / Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid)

Artistic team


  • | Evelino Pidò - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13 jun
  • | José Miguel Pérez Sierra - 8, 10, 12 jun

Stage Director and Costume Designer | Laurent Pelly

Set Designer | Chantal Thomas

Light Designer | Joël Adam

Chorus Master | Andrés Máspero



Daria, prima donna

  • | Nino Machaidze - 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13 jun
  • | Sabina Puértolas - 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 jun

Procolo, Daria's husband

  • | Borja Quiza - 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13 jun
  • | Gabriel Bermúdez - 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 jun

Biscroma Stappaviscere, conductor | Pietro di Bianco

Agata, the mother

  • | Carlos Álvarez - 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13 jun
  • | Luis Cansino - 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 jun

Luigia, seconda donna

  • | Sylvia Schwartz - 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13 jun
  • | Francesca Sassu - 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 jun

Guglielmo, primo tenore

  • | Xabier Anduaga - 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13 jun
  • | Alejandro del Cerro - 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 jun

Pippetto | Carol García

Cesare Salsapariglia, the poet I Enric Martínez-Castignani

Impresario I David Oller

Director of the theatre | Luis López Navarro



Subtitles in

Spanish, English

Viva la mamma, de Gaetano Donizetti

Programa de mano

application/pdf 8.36 MB


Tickets on sale

19 January



  • Date/hour
  • Space
  • Cast
  • Subscription ticket

02 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Nino Machaidze, Borja Quiza, Pietro di Bianco, Carlos Álvarez, Sylvia Schwartz, Xabier Anduaga, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets E

03 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Sabina Puértolas, Gabriel Bermúdez, Pietro di Bianco, Luis Cansino, Francesca Sassu, Alejandro del Cerro, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets A

04 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Nino Machaidze, Borja Quiza, Pietro di Bianco, Carlos Álvarez, Sylvia Schwartz, Xabier Anduaga, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets X

05 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Sabina Puértolas, Gabriel Bermúdez, Pietro di Bianco, Luis Cansino, Francesca Sassu, Alejandro del Cerro, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets G

06 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Nino Machaidze, Borja Quiza, Pietro di Bianco, Carlos Álvarez, Sylvia Schwartz, Xabier Anduaga, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets B

08 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Sabina Puértolas, Gabriel Bermúdez, Pietro di Bianco, Luis Cansino, Francesca Sassu, Alejandro del Cerro, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets D

09 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Nino Machaidze, Borja Quiza, Pietro di Bianco, Carlos Álvarez, Sylvia Schwartz, Xabier Anduaga, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets F

10 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Sabina Puértolas, Gabriel Bermúdez, Pietro di Bianco, Luis Cansino, Francesca Sassu, Alejandro del Cerro, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets H

11 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Nino Machaidze, Borja Quiza, Pietro di Bianco, Carlos Álvarez, Sylvia Schwartz, Xabier Anduaga, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets Z

12 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Sabina Puértolas, Gabriel Bermúdez, Pietro di Bianco, Luis Cansino, Francesca Sassu, Alejandro del Cerro, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets W

13 June 2021


Main Auditorium

Nino Machaidze, Borja Quiza, Pietro di Bianco, Carlos Álvarez, Sylvia Schwartz, Xabier Anduaga, Carol García, Enric Martínez-Castignani, Piotr Micinski, Luis López Navarro
Subscription tickets C

Cultural activities

Curso de formación

What's OnFundación SGAE

'Viva la mamma' al descubierto. Taller práctico para conocer desde dentro la producción. Mayo.






What's OnBiblioteca Regional de Madrid

Gargantas de cristal con egos de hormigón. Joaquín Turina ofrecerá una charla sobre las divas más célebres que han pasado a través de los tiempos por el Teatro Real. 4 y 17 de junio. Actividad gratuita.





Taller infantil

What's OnMuseo del Romanticismo

Una forma diferente y amena de iniciar en el teatro a niños de 6 a 10 años y que aprendan la divertida técnica de la improvisación. Junio. Actividad gratuita.






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